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I want to take a minute to talk about my experience with this company. I was getting ready for my wedding and, as a lot of women do, I wanted to get into better shape for my special day. I had been trying different diet and nutrition techniques but nothing was working. Hannah was recommended to me and I am SO grateful I found her! I live farther away so we were able to work on a nutrition and workout plan online that fit with  my lifestyle and schedule. Hannah talked with me about my goals and previous things I had tried and helped to cultivate a specialized program just for me. We touched base weekly with updates and, even when I felt I had failed that week, she had nothing but encouragements to give me. Whenever I was disappointed with my progress, she never let me stay that way for long and supplied me with constant positivity. Within weeks I was seeing a big difference in how I felt physically, plus actually seeing the results. When my big day finally came, I KNEW I looked how I wanted and I felt beautiful! If you're feeling stuck and nothing seems to be working, go in and sit down and talk to her. You won't regret it!!


I have been training two to three times a week with Revolution Sport LA for a few years now. Toby, bar none, remains my best training partner being one of the most reliable I have ever worked with.  Outdoor sports keep my spirits high as I enjoy running, swimming, biking, skiing, climbing, sailing etc.  
I originally looked to Toby and RSLA to increase my core strength and stamina without getting to large.  I have received exactly what was asked for from Toby and his company.  He continuously changes up the training programs to supplement what activity I will be participating.  Most recently that included racing in IMAZ - IRONMAN Triathlon in Arizona.  An Ironman Triathlon consists of 2.4-mile (3.86km) swim, a 112-mile (180.25km) bicycle ride and a marathon 26.2-mile (42.20km) run, raced in that order and with out a break. Most Ironman races have a strict time limit of 17 hours in which to complete.  2015 was my first and, unbeknownst to me, all my friends had actually bet against me!  Believing that I wouldn't even finish the race seeing that I had not been "training".  Work prevented me from doing all the requisite long runs, rides and swims so Toby put together a weekly training regimen to get me into such good shape that I completed and finished with an hour to spare!  And, yes, my friends did lose that bet... Karma at its finest!  
For 2016, I decided to race another and this time with more training geared towards the race itself knocking off more than an hour from the year before and included the time I spent dealing with a severe stomach cramp over the first 50 miles of the bike confirming that with limited time a focused training program works. 
One of the coolest parts of training is the scientific and kinetic approach Toby's training incorporates into the program which, having a torn labram (shoulder) and a pinched nerve (hip) from past adventure injuries, I am pushed to do more than might feel normal.  I have never exacerbated the injuries and, if anything, I feel better and stronger after a training session than before.  While my structural problems technically require surgery I have been able to forgo any such dramatic actions and continue to improve benching, squatting etc. (The bench press was always scary for me as it always hurt my shoulder).
Can't say enough about Toby and his team at Revolution Sport LA... worth every penny and are unequivocally recommended by me.  I would gladly refer them to anyone looking to train.  RSLA will tailor their programs to fit your needs.  Do yourself a favor, take care of your body and your health!


I adore Hannah! We've been training together for almost a year now and I'm so grateful for her. I was a casual gym goer before I met Hannah and, frankly, I didn't really know what I was doing. Hannah has taught me how to work out correctly for my body type, how I can target particular areas, and, most importantly, she's taught me how to eat right! Hannah has planted so much knowledge in my head about how to live a healthy lifestyle that it's just second nature to me now. I'm the healthiest I've ever been and I'm looking and feeling better than ever... all thanks to Hannah! Highly recommended!


I've had many trainers in LA over the years, but TOBY and REVOLUTION SPORT LA have exceeded my expectations.  The philosophy is smart and focused.  The approach to nutrition, form, and safety are unparalleled.  A breath of fresh air + actual results!


I started working out with Toby just over a year now. At first I just wanted to get in shape for summer and be bikini ready. I have always been slim but didn't have any muscle tone whatsoever. To be honest, I couldn't do a single real push-up or pull-up before I started. After about three months I could really start seeing changes in my body. Which needless to say I was super happy about. A few months into training, Toby started splitting his time with Hannah (Revolution Sport LA's Certified Nutritionist and Trainer) when it came to my sessions. She created personalized meal plans for me and that is really when my body transformation started to take off. She consistently monitored my progress and made me keep track of my food until I was able to really make the change into a healthy lifestyle rather than just a diet. I think the main thing to point out to people who are interested in Personal Training, Diets/Nutrition, and just making healthy lifestyle change altogether. It takes time! It doesn't happen over night and you really have to be dedicated. Its either you're in hundred percent and trust the process or you will be wasting your time altogether. You can't just eat or workout when you feel like it, unfortunately it doesn't work that way. It took me about six months to really buy into the program and to be honest, looking back I wasted those six months but when I did commit 100%, I'm telling you it was the best decision I ever made! I highly recommend Revolution Sport LA, best decision I have made in a long time!


Cant say enough about Revolution Sport LA. If I were still on the WestCoast I would definitely still be training there. That being said I still workout remotely via Skype/Email. Workout programs are sent to me weekly so I don't miss a beat. Its defiantly more difficult training on your own than it is being held accountable on a daily basis in person but it works. I trained initially with Toby, he taught me the basics and fundamentals. As I grew, I moved on to Matt were we focused more on bodybuilding rather than functional Sports training but I understood once I moved on how the base Toby had taught me carried over into every single thing I did no matter how small. Amazing team!! Very happy and I can't recommend them enough.


I was recommended to Toby by a co-worker after mentioning to her that I was looking for a PT who was tough, but could work with clients at all fitness levels. I was just starting out on my fitness journey and had two goals: (1) get ready for my upcoming wedding and (2) gain the confidence to work out on my own.

It's been almost two years working out with Toby (and 8 months after my wedding) and he is simply the best PT out there. With so many choices available, it is hard to know which PTs are truly professionals and have the right credential and experience. I can honestly highly recommend Toby without doubts to anybody - beginners or athletes - because of my own personal experience.  In fact, I've recommended two friends who had their own positive experiences with Toby.

For me, the best PTs have the following qualities and Toby is definitely on point on all the criteria:

1. Focus on form - Toby is a stickler for form. He knows how to tweak your body just that teeny bit to correct your stance and maximize your output.  By far this is the most important reason for having a PT - you want someone who watches out for you so you're getting the most out of your workout and not get injured. I've seen other PTs in the gym not even paying attention to their clients; you can be assured that you will get Toby's 100% attention when he is training with you

2. Tailor the workout routine - Toby's workout routines are never the same day to day. He modifies your workout according to your personal progress, goals, and physical capabilities. Not only does he keep it interesting, but the varied routines help to work out all parts of your body you've never thought needed working out!  For me personally, I have bad shoulders and neck pains due to slight scoliosis - Toby tailors the workout for me to specifically work on my back muscles and lats. My neck pains have been kept to minimum since working with Toby

3. Professional, tough, and encouraging - Toby is no-nonsense. If you're looking for a PT to waste your precious workout hour chatting (believe me, I have seen PTs at Equinox literally spending a full hour just chatting to their client like a therapist while the client just stretches), then Toby is not for you. What I appreciate about Toby is that he's tough, doesn't take your whining, and pushes you further than what you think you're capable of. And the result is the progress you see in your body and mindset.

4. Flexible with your scheduling - with my busy work schedule, it's important that I have a PT who is flexible with scheduling. Toby has always been super flexible about make up sessions when I needed to.  

After just a few months working with Toby, I could already see the difference in my body. I'm what you'd call "skinny-fat" - physically look skinny but have no muscle tones whatsoever. Before Toby, I couldn't even do one real push up. These days, I'm banging out 30 reps on my toes no problem.  He got me ready for my wedding last April and I knew I had hit my goal when my dress tailor had to keep taking my wedding dress in and commented on how toned my body was! And my husband was just amazed by my progress and super proud of how strong I got. I enjoyed working with Toby so much that I had continued with him even after my wedding. I've now gained the confidence to work out on my own.  

I can't say enough positive things about Toby and his company (including Hannah who I had the opportunity to work out with a few times and is also amazing!).  

Ladies, go to Toby if you are looking to get in shape for your wedding and for a real change in your body and your mindset. You won't regret it!


I have been training with Toby since about February, twice a week.  I am into lots of sports: trapeze, trampoline, skiing, snowboarding, kiteboarding, skating, sailing... so I was looking for sports performance training that would increase my strength and stamina without bulking up.  I got exactly what I asked for with Toby.  We are always doing the strangest variations of classic exercises, typically involving isometics and high reps at moderate weight.  Only occasionally do we max out, and my max weights for everything have basically doubled in the 10 months I've been doing the workouts.  Also my ability to lock out isometrically is vastly improved.  I am always getting the strangest looks and sometimes comments from other gym goers because of the strange and intense things we do with our bodies.  The coolest part is the scientific approach the training has, so even though I am pushed to do things that I worry will injure my body, I have not received a single injury from this training... always just the 1.5-2 day delayed onset muscle soreness which feels great.  I love how the workouts are always changing to not get boring and to push my body to the next level.  The first time I really noticed the huge difference in my body was about 3 months after I started training I went on a ski trip in Colorado, and normally after a day of skiing I will be sore and begging for the hot tub, but this trip I did 4 days in a row of freestyle skiing and barely felt a thing.  Awesome... you can push so much harder on the snow when you have all of that new leg strength, especially in the knees.  Bad knees run in my family, and I have had knee pain in the past, but since working out I never have any pain anymore (thanks glute-hams, which btw feels like your leg is exploding but has never caused me any pain after the exercise was complete).  I always feel great after my workouts, and I'm really looking forward to continuing this training and see where it takes me.  Don't just get a gym membership and start moving weights up and down... get Toby to show you the minute details of having correct form and the time and effort you put in will be amplified.  Don't forget to eat tons of protein, your body will need it after these workouts!  Highly recommended


Working with Hanna at Revolution Sport was, literally, what my doctor ordered.  Having been told that I had, at a relatively young age, osteoporosis, I needed to focus on exercise to increase bone density. I was referred to Hanna and the rest was history!  I worked with Hanna 2 to 3 times per week and she was great at tailoring the sessions to meet my needs and skill level building my strength over time.  It was fun to see my endurance build over the weeks and months.  Hanna introduced me to her 21-day vegan challenge which was easy and tasty and helped my drop some weight -  I felt so much better being a vegan during this period - a nice surprise! 

I would recommend Hanna and Revolution Sport LA to anyone wanting to improve their health.  Hanna's compassion for fitness and her caring nature is beyond compare.  It's a pleasure knowing her and I appreciate what she has done for me.


I have been training at Revolution Sport LA for a few years now. I train 3X a week specifically with Toby. However I have trained with the rest of the Rev team here and there if Toby is out of town, scheduling doesn't match up etc.... All of whom are great!

That being said I have to say Toby, at Revolution Sport LA, remains the best and most reliable Trainer I have ever trained with. He's ridiculously knowledgeable. He has an older brother that runs a facility in Arizona that caters to professional and Olympic athletes. So he's learned from the best. He's extremely enthusiastic. It became very clear early on he's very passionate about what he does and enjoys getting the best results from his clients. At the same time you have to put in the work. You work as hard as you want to... or not. But I promise you, if you put in 100% he will put in 200% right back into you and accomplishing your goals. Some of his programs are the hardest things I have ever done but I have never left the gym ever regretting one second of it. Every session is a victory for me. 

Initially I looked into Revolution Sport LA to increase my overall strength and stamina without getting too big like a body builder. I am always outside as I love all outdoor sports. Hiking, running, swimming, skiing, biking, climbing, basketball, beach volleyball, you name it and I love to do it. Well they say be careful what you wish for because I received exactly what I asked for!! He's continuously changing up his programs to fit what activity I will be participating in. The coolest part is the scientific approach the training has, so even though I am pushed to do things that I worry will injure my body, I have not received a single injury from this training. Matter of fact I have not had an injury outside of the gym either since I have been training. We are always doing the strangest variations of classic exercises, typically involving isometrics and high reps at moderate weight.  Only occasionally do we max out, and my max weights for everything have basically doubled in the 8 months I've been doing the workouts. I love how the workouts are always changing to not get boring and to push my body to the next level.  

My most recent addiction are Triathlon's. Now I am active but to take part in a Triathlon when you have never done one before is no joke. Yes I work out but have never done training for a triathlon. We obviously don't swim, bike or run in the gym. So I was honestly planning on participating just for fun but in all honestly I would have been happy just to finish the race. The craziest thing is not only did I finish the race I actually competed with seasoned racers!! It was amazing and one of the best feelings you can ever imagine.

This marks the longest review I have ever wrote but that's how much I believe in this place and team. I really can't say enough about Revolution Sport LA and Toby. It was and still is worth every penny and is undoubtedly recommended by me. I would gladly refer them to anyone looking to train. Revolution Sport LA will tailor their programs to fit exactly what you need. Do yourself a favor; take care of your body and your health!


When I was about 3.5 months postpartum, I began working out with Hannah K. I strongly believe both diet and exercise are the key to losing and maintaining one's weight. When I first started working out with her, Hannah introduced me to a 21-day vegan challenge. The diet jumpstarted my weight loss and helped me detox. I was never hungry and felt satisfied with every meal. The best part is that the meals are easy to cook and quick to prepare. This is especially helpful if you're a new mom and don't have a lot of time. 

Hannah also specializes in prenatal and postpartum clients--which was beneficial because I needed to be eased back into working out after my pregnancy. Hannah has the ability to modify the difficulty of one's circuit training, so that it progressively becomes more challenging and doesn't cause injury.  

Due to Hannah's holistic approach to health and fitness, I have lost weight and gained strength over the past few months. I would highly recommend her to others--particularly new moms.


I was struggling to get myself back into a regular workout schedule so I decided to join my roommate and get trained by Toby from Revolution Sport LA.  That ended up being one of the best decisions I've made in 2016!  Toby worked very closely with me to figure out my goals and what I was looking to achieve and crafted a workout plan to help me get there.  I'm especially proud and happy to share that within 3 months I hit my first set of goals!  I've also gotten numerous comments from family and friends about how great my body is looking these days.

On top of the ability to help you achieve your goals, Toby always provides very different workouts each time to help your muscles strengthen and get past the natural plateaus that happen as you engage in strength training.  Toby is also very fun to work with and keeps the workout environment very intense but fun.  I would highly recommend Toby to anyone especially for those looking for that extra push to change your life for the better.


I've struggled with weight loss for most of my life. At my worst point, I was obese and I was extremely unhappy with my weight. I was never interested in the idea of signing up for a personal trainer, but I was referred to Toby and Hannah by a close friend, so I decided I would give it a chance. That was back in 2014. I've been so happy with my progress from training with the both of them that I am currently still training with them. I started with 2 classes/week to 3 class/week now. Since I started training with them, I've lost 45 pounds and have dropped from the obese body weight category to the normal body weight category. 

Toby was my first personal trainer. Toby designs his workouts to really teach you to push yourself physically (and mentally). He stresses the importance of form and instills strong strength foundations in all the workouts he had me do. His knowledge in his work exceeds all other individuals that I've spoken to about exercise and fitness. This covers both the wide variety of workouts he had me do and also physical therapy exercises that helped improve past injuries I had (where my doctor could not figure out how to cure). Lastly, he helped me build a foundation in healthy eating that helped with my weight loss progress outside of the gym.

I started working out with Hannah this year. She also really embodies the extremely dedicated and devoted personal trainer. A certified nutritionist, Hannah created meal plans for me that were game changers. She meticulously tracks my food logs and provides helpful insight that has really taught me to understand what I'm eating and how the food affects my body. My main struggle with weight loss was always primarily due to food. I would always out-eat what I worked out, and I would binge after attempts at eating healthy (a constant yoyo-ing issue I battled). But she diligently tracks my food logs and consistently monitors my progress to make sure I'm not steering off the healthy meals and giving up. She has really fixed my eating habits for the better - the best it has been in my life. Additionally, her workouts have also pushed me to my limits and helped me become stronger. Similar to Toby, she caters her workouts to help you achieve the goal you are looking for. She is very meticulous on keeping good form and answers all the questions I have on the workouts. I always get my butt kicked in all our workouts, but I feel great and have more energy after all of them. 

After training with Hannah and Toby, I finally have the confidence in my body and self-discipline in my eating habits that I never had before. It scares me to think about how unhappy I would still be today if I had not signed up for their classes back in 2014 to fix my health for the better. They're extremely dedicated individuals and are great at their profession, they're available 24/7 to answer all your questions and they genuinely care about you making the progress to achieve your health goals.

10/11/2016   Updated review

It's been another great year training with Toby. This past month we set the goal of increasing my bench press, and through varied workouts were able to add 40 pounds to my max. He does a great job of creating programs for whatever goals you have (overall strength, weight loss, specific sport muscles, injury recovery, etc).


I was referred to Toby by my friend who had been working out with him for about a year and was really impressed by her results. I've never considered myself the athletic type and up until now, hadn't ever been consistent about working out so needless to say, the gym has always been a bit intimidating to me. 
I've now been working out with Toby for a few months now. We started out training two days/ week and now we're at four days/week. I can't say enough positive things about Toby. He's the perfect balance of tough but encouraging (he really pushes me to do things that I didn't think I was capable of). Toby is dedicated, down to earth, attentive, professional and knowledgeable. Another thing that I really appreciate about Toby is how much of a stickler he is about the correct form. Toby takes the time to explain and demonstrate how to do exercises properly, always taking the time to correct my form if it's off. Working out with Toby has helped me in so many ways: I feel physically stronger, I'm seeing the results that I want (decreasing body fat, increasing muscle mass), I have much more energy, feel more confident and I'm now eating clean and healthy. Even though he kicks my butt during every workout, it's the best part of my day!


I was referred to RevolutionSportLA by my friend who had been working out with Toby (owner/head trainer) for about a year and was really impressed by his results. I've never really considered myself much of an athlete until now so needless to say it took me a while to get into the swing of things. As diet was a huge factor to what I was lacking Toby set me up with one of his top trainers/nutritionist Hannah. I've now been working out with Hannah for a few months now.  Started off with two days a week however we have now jumped it up to four times a week, as the results have been astonishing. As I live in the valley and they are located in West LA I see her twice a week in the gym for one on one workout and then she sends me programs twice a week that I do on my own. On top of that she sends me personalized meal plans every Sunday so I can prep for the week. It sounds like a lot but as both Toby and Hannah are available around the clock to answer any questions or concerns that I have it has been a breeze!

Even though I get my butt kicked during every workout, it's honestly the best part of my day! I have much more energy and I’m eating clean and healthy. I am physically stronger and I’m finally seeing my six-pack coming through that has been eluding me for years!


Toby is great-- he's very friendly and knowledgeable about his craft. He keeps you inspired and focused while you're having fun. At first, I was just looking to get in shape. He was able to help me with my form and build strength and confidence at my beginner stage. Then I got engaged and bought a stupid (but pretty) wedding dress that was the bain of my existence. With Toby's help, within 6 months, I was at my strongest and in the best shape of my life, and the dress looked great too! I only wish I was still living on the west side so I could still work out with him. Definitely the best trainer I've ever worked out with!


Prior to my wedding this past June, I was looking for a quick way to get fit. I was...shamefully the type of person to have a gym membership and inconsistently go to the gym if at all. I needed some extra motivation, so I spoke to a friend who highly recommended training with Toby.

I let Toby know what I was looking for and he kindly offered me a wedding package. It felt great to get back in the gym on a regular basis. In just two months I felt rejuvenated and in the best shape I'd been in for years.

Even though the wedding has passed I've continued to workout with Toby. Part of his mentality is to get you to learn how to workout, so you can workout correctly on your own. He's a huge stickler for form and explains how each exercise/workout impacts your body. He's great at changing up the workouts, so you don't feel like you're always doing the same thing.

Since working out with him my confidence in the gym has boosted because it feels like I know what I'm doing...kind of. I am now a huge advocate for personal training and highly recommend Toby if you're looking for one!

P.S. You'll find many different variations of Russian Lunges online, but his are the worst. Sign up so you can find out.


Hannah at Revolution has been so inspiring for me and has really helped me stay motivated! She is so positive and an amazing trainer! I've been able to lose body fat and build more muscle then I ever have before with all her training and nutrition advice I'm so happy with my results! I feel like the healthiest I've ever been now in my 30's! I highly recommend Revolution Sport LA!


Over the last few years, I've struggled with my weight. A friend of mine suggested that I meet Toby and train with him. So I did. Toby has been a crucial part of my weight loss journey. He's given me excellent guidance and helped me every step of the way. But I was still holding onto a few extra pounds that I just couldn't seem to shed with exercise alone. That's when Toby suggested that I meet with his nutritionist, Hannah. Since January, Hannah has given me so much information on nutrition and even got me set up with weekly meal plans. The pounds started dropping! I'm so happy to let others know how much success I've had, and the proof is in the picture. I could not have done it without the Revolution Sport LA team. Thanks guys!


I've been working with Hannah at Revolution Sports LA for about two months now and I've seen amazing results in that time. I normally average 3 to 4 times a week when I'm in town. Given I travel a lot for business, keeping a healthy lifestyle, and a normal workout regimen is hard. Hannah is passionate about fitness and it shows through the energy and enthusiasm she brings to every session. She makes each workout challenging, and creative. She also places a high value on form on each exercise. Which I never had in my past trainers. She motivates me to push past my perceived limits to get results. I love the fact that she's not only a trainer, but she is also a certified  nutritionist. I don't have a problem working out as much as controlling my diet. With her help I now have incredible energy, my balance and flexibility has improved immensely. I also noticed my posture is getting better. If you are serious about changing your life to the better, or if you're on a plateau Hannah , and her business partner Toby can lead you every step of the way. Thank you Revolution Sports LA.


I came to Toby accommodating a series of issues including a Glenoid Labrum tear (shoulder) and trouble with my lower back... much of this caused by too many accidents earlier in life.  Toby was able to work with me to 1. Strengthen the muscles around the shoulder so that I could 2. bench lift, with greater confidence and, ultimately, results. 3. Taught me that I needed to balance my quad lifting with that of the hamstring (we spend a good chunk of time on the legs) as we tend to focus on one over the other.  

Generally, Toby's training techniques have helped improve my balance, stature and, of course strength.  His unique workouts always garner interest from others (something about Russians and Olympics)... Additionally, and probably most importantly, I have come to enjoy the training and miss doing so when I am not able (an attitude I didn't necessarily have prior to training with him).  

Today, I rarely have issues with my shoulder and only have to nurse my back when I get lazy.  The work I do with Toby remains enjoyable and challenging (and distracts me from the day to day work grind).  I appreciate the work and outcomes.


I signed up to do Hannah's 21 day plant based challenge and I'm so happy I did. She gave me a plant based meal plan (that included some great vegetarian recipes) for the first 3 weeks of the new year. It was such a great way to jump start 2017 and I'm now back to my "pre-baby" weight. I would definitely recommend her meal plans!


Hannah K has inspired me to live a healthier lifestyle and commit to a regular exercise regime and have greater discipline in my diet. Excellent and passionate trainer, really takes the time to create a personalized sessions with individual specific goals to each client.


If Someone asked me what I wanted from a personal trainer Hannah would be the total package! She was able to push me beyond my limits and help me become stronger. Every training session I had with her was unique and was custom to my needs. I learned new exercises and ways to tone my body that were actually fun and challenging. She challenged me to use certain machines in the gym that I would normally avoid. I was able to not only learn the correct form on the machines but also be comfortable to use them in my normal routine. If I was feeling pain in a certain area or sore she could easily adjust the exercises. I was able to lose 15 pounds in 2 months which was a great accomplishment for me. 
Hannah really does put the personal in personal training. Since she has a certification in nutrition, I was able to text her questions about meal preparation and ways to improve my diet. I could be in the grocery store or restaurant deciding on what to buy and I could text her and she would tell me the best option to choose. Whether it was a salad dressing or a meal at a local cafe, she would tell me the best option for me to stay on track. The accessibility of my trainer helped keep me on track and motivated to stay focus on my goals outside of our training sessions.
Overall if you're looking for a trainer that will put the time and effort in you as a individual person Hannah is the one for you!


Took my physique to the next level. I had paid trainers at a local 24 hour fitness, and although they were helpful, I never felt as challenged as I did when I signed up with Toby. I could tell right off the bat that his workouts were geared towards professional athletes, and by the end of my first 30 days I was in the best shape of my life. If you really want to make a change, commit to RevSport.


If you're looking to get in shape, tone up, and improve your overall well-being, inside and out, definitely get Toby as a trainer. Toby is the best trainer I've ever had and I've had quite a handful! He's incredibly knowledgeable on how the body should properly move, his workouts are uniquely tough as he has the inside scoop on Olympic athlete training exercises, and he's a devoted mentor in guiding you to a better you.

I went to Toby barely able to walk because of a back injury I obtained from running. It sucked! I had been working out on my own, unknowingly not doing exercises properly, and not using the right muscles. In turn, I threw out my back and was on bed rest for almost a month. When I met with Toby, he immediately explained to me what caused the injury, where I was muscularly weak, and what we were going to do to fix it. Almost four months later, I was unbelievably stronger and happily running again. I am so grateful for his intelligence and support in fixing my back issue so that I can now move forward with confidence and strength. 

Not only is Toby's knowledge in proper training form and function of the body impressive, his workouts are so tough in the absolute best way possible! I've never had a trainer push me so hard. Toby doesn't take no for an answer and he encourages you to push yourself and believe in yourself. The self-discipline and self-confidence you build from working hard in the gym, affects all areas of your life, and I think Toby is the best person to guide you on that journey.


Closing in on Hannah's 21 Day Challenge.  It was definitely a challenge for me considering I eat meat by the pounds and this was a plant-based meal plan.  I've lost 11 pounds in 21 days.  The recipes were not only creative but really good.  My favorites were the Quinoa Cakes and Eggplant Pizza. I drank a vegan smart shake twice a day. I continued my normal weight room routine lifting 4 days a week.  Not once did I feel fatigued or exhausted.  I also didn't lose an ounce of strength.  Very pleased with the clean rise in energy levels.  I lost 10 pounds to start off the New Year, and I didn't break my piggy bank for this challenge.  Highly Recommended!!!!!!!!


Toby is the best! I had to get in shape for a trip to Hawaii. Within 10 sessions I was very toned and confident enough to wear my bikini. Toby pushes you, but his sense of humor make the time and pain go away quickly. Anyone would be lucky to work with him!

4/21/2017   Updated review

When I was about 3.5 months postpartum, I began working out with Hannah K. I strongly believe both diet and exercise are the key to losing and maintaining one's weight. When I first started working out with her, Hannah introduced me to a 21-day vegan challenge. The diet jumpstarted my weight loss and helped me detox. I was never hungry and felt satisfied with every meal. The best part is that the meals are easy to cook and quick to prepare. This is especially helpful if you're a new mom and don't have a lot of time. 

Hannah also specializes in prenatal and postpartum clients--which was beneficial because I needed to be eased back into working out after my pregnancy. Hannah has the ability to modify the difficulty of one's circuit training, so that it progressively becomes more challenging and doesn't cause injury.  

Due to Hannah's holistic approach to health and fitness, I have lost weight and gained strength over the past few months. I would highly recommend her to others--particularly new moms.


Hannah K, from Revolution Sport LA has been great throughout the 21 day challenge. It's been a healthy lifestyle change for sure and I feel energized and invigorated throughout the 21 days+ 

I definitely recommend this super healthy diet (combined with exercise) under Hannah's training/expertise. I personally lost around 7lbs and already have introduced more plant based foods into my diet this year.


Toby is a fantastic trainer! As a professional performer , fitness is a major priority for me and training with these guys has been nothing but positive . I find there professional attitude and knowledge of both personal training and injury prevention the best ! Plus they are top blokes :) Dani Swan - Dancer , actress , Model


So I had been following Hannah on Instagram and when I saw her running a special for meal plans I knew I had to take advantage of the opportunity.  I was with her for a total of 9 SUCCESSFUL weeks.  Her meal plans were fun and awesome.  I lost a total of 33lbs when I was on her meal plan.  She would constantly check in with me to make sure I was still on the right track.  She was always super nice and professional. I would not hesitate to refer her to anyone I know or even re-enlist with her again in the future.


Toby is a GREAT trainer. He really emphasizes executing each workout with the proper form and technique, which makes his exercises more effective than doing countless reps over and over. He also helps keep the workouts engaging by switching up routines every time you train with him.

Toby is flexible with his appointments and will always do his best to cater to his client's schedule. Highly recommended for people looking for an effective, challenging, yet fun workout!


I'm a fellow gym owner and was so inspired by both Toby and Hannah when I met them the other day. They are smart, personable, and really care about all their clients. The ability to provide both small group personal training and at home personal training is something I've tried to mirror for a while now, but they have it down! I recommend Toby and Hannah to anyone that is serious about their goals and wants to take their fitness to the next level. 5 stars!


Out of all the trainers I've trained with, Toby is by far the best. Workouts are designed to push you physically and mentally every time. I began to feel stronger and see tremendous improvements in my strength and explosiveness within the first few weeks. No matter what your goals are - strength gain, muscular endurance, or just everyday fitness - Toby will have a custom program that keeps adapting as you improve meet those goals and ensure you never plateau. 

Bottom line is if you want to make a change, sign up for a session with Toby and you will be amazed with what you can accomplish.


I came to meet Toby through a Groupon offered earlier this year.  Initially I didn't place must stock in the offer because it was ridiculously cheap; 6 one hour one-on-one personal training sessions for $99, but I figured it might help me jump start the process of getting back into shape.  During our first session, Toby really kicked my ass and pushed me in ways I had never experienced before.  Being that I had trained with numerous trainers at various "Boutique gyms" throughout the Los Angeles area, I became quite impressed with his training style.  However, skepticism still exited on my part because I believed he was merely trying to convince me to continue training with him after those 6 were completed.  This clearly was not the case.  I decided to purchase a training package and the same hardcore workouts and intensity continued.  At that point in time, I then referred a friend of mine who was morbidly obese to assist him in his journey back to a healthy lifestyle.  So if you are looking to drop some poundage and get into shape, you should definitely consider utilizing Toby as your personal trainer.  His knowledge of fitness and nutrition will get you results!!! Contact him now! You'll be glad you did.


I have been training with Toby for a year now and have had great results.  He is by far the BEST trainer I have ever worked with.  As a former athlete that had fallen out of the fitness routine due to work schedule I needed to find a trainer that could really challenge me to get back into great shape.  Everyday there is a new routine geared towards my goals.  I have decreased my body fat, increased strength, and added muscle.  I feel like I'm much closer to the shape I was in when I was still playing sports.  If you are thinking of making a commitment to yourself and really improving yourself physically, go to Revolution Sport LA.  DO NOT just go to any trainer.  I have had a number of other trainers over the years and most just want you to lift weights and will not challenge you like Toby will.


I've worked out with Toby for over a year, and he's fantastic! Personalized, dynamic workouts that keep you challenged and engaged. He really pushes you, but maintains a safe and encouraging environment. Definitely recommend!


Incredibly inviting environment, fun atmosphere with a complete down to business attitude. Trainers are at the top of their game, you will leave satisfied and on a high every time out!


I've been training with Toby for the past couple months, and I love his performance based approach to training. I really wanted to focus on compound lifts, and from day one it was apparent how knowledgeable he is, and I love how adamant he is about form. I've seen a big improvement so far and don't plan on stopping anytime soon.


I've worked out with trainers for years, but didn't get the results I wanted until I started training with Toby. He keeps me motivated. Any trainer can recommend a demanding workout plan. Toby will get you to finish it. He'll hold you accountable if you begin to slide. He also keeps things fun so working out doesn't feel like a chore. Definitely check him out if you're on the Westside!

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